The Right Stuff

Think of equipment as tools. And like tools, each one is meant to accomplish a specific goal. The following is a guide on the equipment you’ll need, as goals evolve.

Beginner Level

The beginning level should be all about momentum. Your focus should simply be about starting and any thing that hampers that process should be avoided. Keep it simple, and get just enough to participate.

Be sure to click on images to get a deeper description of each item.

Intermediate Level

At the intermediate level, like has turned to love. You’ve been here for the midterm and undoubtably seek to be here for the long haul. You want to get better, because getting better means getting stronger. So you want to invest more of your time and energy into Muay Thai and fully participate in the other training modalities at a deeper level:

Bag Work



Here’s some extra gear that aren’t necessary, but greatly enhance partner work, should you want to take that extra step:

Where to buy

The internet fam :). lol. For real—One day I’ll start a store, but I don’t want the hassle of import, merchandising selling etc. I’m a teacher not a sales man so I’d rather educate you on what to buy and let the sales people take over. Now that you know what to look for, I’ll let google takeover from here.



Utilitarianism and Martial Art.